Due to a "glitch in the matrix", the video for this meeting is not available. However, an audio version is linked below.
“ She's coming out of her little shell!"
As an Group 1 Independent school, KCS always finds itself compared to the public system. However, as far as the Zuo and Liu family is concerned, it is this difference that makes this school the best fit for their family. This family is very excited about the changes they see in their children, and they attest much of their character growth to the environment at KCS. For one of their children, a change in their confidence is helping their student shine in ways that were not expected: "For the first week, she was a little bit shy. But then we worked with her teacher... and she's becoming very active. We put her into the soccer league; we would have never done that when we lived in Richmond because she was a shy kind of person."
But it doesn't stop at just the one child, as this family has two at KCS, and the second child is beginning to show a lot of excitement about what he is learning. At KCS, we are excited to b e able to offer an Outdoor Kindergarten program (one of the only ones in the Interior of BC). In fact, KCS is designated as a W.I.L.D. school, where elementary students develop curiosity by Wondering, Inquiring, Learning, and Doing through outdoor and community based activities. We know that students learn best through play-based activities so we provide opportunities for students to explore through hands-on activities and real life problems. Does this type of learning make a difference? It definitely does for this family: "My daughter is in grade 5 and my son just started Kindergarten. We visited MacPark and [my son] was just a little teacher. He wanted to show us all the little bugs and trees. He is really enjoying the Wonder Walk program." For any parent, watching a child's character develop in a positive way impacts the entire family dynamic: "It is definitely a positive impact on our family."
If you would like to hear more about our school and its programs (such as the Wonder Walk Kindergarten program or our sports program as mentioned in this post), or if you have a story about how KCS has impacted your family in a positive way, don't hesitate to contact KCS (info@kamcs.org) anytime. To book a Coffee with Cuzzetto time, contact Sandro directly (sandroc@kamcs.org)!